Where to Store Your Estate Planning Documents: A Guide to Safe-Keeping

You've crossed the finish line of estate planning – Congratulations! Your carefully drafted estate planning documents are executed and ready to carry out your wishes. But hold on, the journey's not quite over. Now comes the crucial question: where the heck do you store these vital documents? Let's explore...
Where to Store Your Estate Planning Documents: A Guide to Safe-Keeping Continue reading…

How to Make Your Inheritance Last

Most people believe that receiving a large inheritance from a loved one would be life-changing.  At least one study, however, found that about one-third of Americans who had received an inheritance eventually experienced a decrease or no change in their wealth after receiving the inheritance, meaning that they most likely spent everything they...
How to Make Your Inheritance Last Continue reading…

Exploring Alternatives to Probate for Real Estate in California

When it comes to transferring real estate after a property owner passes away without proper estate planning, probate may be the only option. Probate can be time-consuming, expensive, and oftentimes leads to delays in distributing assets to heirs. Fortunately, in California, there are several alternatives to pass on real property in lieu...
Exploring Alternatives to Probate for Real Estate in California Continue reading…